Friday, December 24, 2021

Arcade on the Water

I was living on a strange house where the floor floated on top of the lake. My friend, Levi, was visiting and we were playing Game Boy, but he was somehow uploading everything into a PS3 he was carrying around because he wanted the extra storage space. He also had some tech magazine, he was trying to explain things in it, which I understood perfectly, but kept skipping it saying I wouldn't understand.

Eventually a bunch of people started to arrived for a party. We had these weird high tech glasses, one pair could calculate distances and could x-ray to measure depth. One of the guys there kept complaining about how nobody can touch his back because it's extremely sensitive and hurts way too much. I used the glasses to look, and his left side was completely shaved, but his right side had a hair mat that was four inches thick.

The party went on and as it got late, everyone there was an asshole to everyone, but we started discussing sleeping arrangements for the 16 people there. Then some huge waves started to shoot up through the floorboards, I ran through them to find out what was going on. A couple of the people were standing in the lake, grabbing the floorboards and shaking them to make the waves. I yelled at them to knock it off, but it was too late and the house broke off from the shoreline and floated out onto the lake. It crashed into an offshore arcade, and my sister commented about how this feels like a shitty movie.

We all went inside to play the arcade games, and I went around to explore. I found a medical room with a few EMTs sitting around smoking cigarettes, and a man sitting with him who couldn't breathe. I went back to the games, and this little Korean kid started following me around. There was this miniature curling game that was similar to a skee-ball table, but with a layer of ice on it. I kept using the curling stone to scrape off the ice because I thought it was cool watching the ice reform.

Then a little Korean boy came up to me and started poking me in the back, but I kept telling him to leave me alone because I wanted to play with the ice. Eventually I got bored and went back to talk to my sister, she showed me a sticker she found. I pointed at the boy and said "I think I found the neighborhood pet, don't give him attention, he's annoying." Which made him embarrassed and he left, so my sister and I went back to playing games. I take a closer look at the tokens for the games, and notice that they're all close up pictures of all the different body parts of a Korean woman, but with black figures shadowing over things.

The boy shows back up again and starts throwing tokens at us, I caught one and the picture was an eye crying blood. I called out, "Hey! He's got the weird coins!" and I start to chase after him, but my sister yells that I shouldn't go. When I get around the corner, I see his dad there, he's furious. He starts stomping and his face shrivels up and he yells, "Silence! Search no longer!" And black blood started pouring out of his face.

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