Thursday, October 21, 2021

Extradimensional Sandwiches

A friend of mine had gambling addiction in this dream and would shave her legs as she gambled. Her, me, and a couple other people went to Subway and we were all chilling. My pants were also very very bright red. We were making our own sandwiches, and nobody could count except me so I had to show everyone how many slices of meat to put on. There was a missing half of a sandwich and after we sat down, the gambler was talking about how she ate the missing sandwich and wondered if she could get the other half for free too. But then one friend started making fun of her saying "you threw up the half you ate, why would you want the other half?" She turned really red and embarrassed because it was true, and then I thought it would be a good idea to wave some turkey slices around in front of her face before eating them.

A random guy shows up and grabs the gambler's ankles and picks her up by them and yells something like "RAZOR BURNS ON YOUR ANKLES!? YOU'VE BEEN GAMBLING AGAIN HAVEN'T YOU??" and throws her out the window. My friends and I rush outside and it turns out the subway is in a weird alternate dimension. There's also a cactus outside and her body was gone, just leaving her cellphone on the ground. We all assume Minecraft logic, where if you drop an item onto a cactus, it is totally destroyed. We start to mourn her disintegration, and I angrily take off my red pants and throw them at the subway because I'm frustrated there was nothing we could do.

As I'm mourning, I go through a portal and there's four floating platforms above a forest with vines on the platforms stretching all the way down. There's this strange gold statues on the platforms holding orbs, I get a really uneasy feeling that something is going to come after me in this world, so I go to a different one. This one has the platforms on the forest floor, and I feel like whatever is after me is even closer so I decide to go back to the subway dimension. I end up on the roof and there's these weird animal men with weapons running around the subway, I see my bright red pants on the roof and quickly try to put them on. But they were all bunched up so I had to like shake my leg to unravel them as I put my legs through. And then I got a text from the gambler saying I'm an idiot because she was hiding in her phone the whole time.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Fish Diplomacy

There was this sentient aggressive fish species and I was helping with the diplomacy. One of the fish wanted their eggs back that we had for unknown reasons, there was a little hiccup and the eggs didn't transfer correctly out of the pod we were in. So the fish ripped off the glass of the diplomacy pod and I tried swimming around to find air but I woke myself up because I was holding my breath in real life.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Friendsgiving Orgy

I was living in some house by myself, and my neighbor was a drug addicted OnlyFans star. I was wandering around the yard when I saw my neighbor and she started yelling a bunch of crazy things at me, I just said some of my usual hippy bullshit and she seemed to calm down before I left. I was watching tv, and looked out the window and she was recording herself masturbating, but I didn't want to be rude and watch. I blink, and I suddenly appear in her bathroom, I'm very confused but go to walk out and she's really embarrassed because she's naked and very angry because I'm in her house. I explain to her that I have no idea how I got in, and I just want to go home. She didn't believe me and threw some stuff at me as I left calling me a pervert. But I asked her if she wanted to come to my Thanksgiving I was having, it was just going to be friends and she could bring her boyfriend or whatever, and she says yes.

So there's some people at my house and we're all drinking and smoking, and there's a huge buffet of all this delicious Thanksgiving food. One of my friends was speedrunning Super Mario 64 to try and impress some of the girls, it doesn't work. And I'm sitting with the neighbor and a few of the girls she brought with. Slowly over time, people just started getting naked, and at this point, the neighbor and one of the girls was naked. The neighbor was talking about her struggles with drug addiction and how great it is doing OnlyFans, I thought it was really interesting and was really into the conversion. But I was hungry, so I went to get some food, when I stood up, suddenly I was naked, and also had half a boner because hot naked ladies were around me but it didn't feel weird and went to grab food anyway.

When I get back, there's these two girls who are very short, skinny, and naked and they both seem very into me. Somehow I accidentally drop my plate on the floor, and one of the girls gets on her hands and knees and starts acting like a dog and eats some of the food as she looked at me. I thought it was kinda weird but also kinda hot. But then she puked a little on the plate and ran off embarrassed to clean herself up. Then before I could grab the plate, the other girl said "I can be your little pet too" and started eating the food, she didn't realize that there was puke on it and just thought it was gravy. I gagged and I pulled the plate from her and didn't tell her to save her from the embarrassment.

Later, I was getting really horny. And I started flirting with one of those girls from before, the puke girl for whatever reason, but she wasn't interested and was about to leave, but she slipped a tiny notebook in my hand before she did.

The dream cuts to me driving with some friends, and I pull out the notebook that girl gave me and it was some kind of investigation and it had an address of a phone booth and said to find out who was using it. We went over to the phone booth, and first person we saw using it had a name tag on it. So I went to write in the book, and it had this tiny pencil I had to use, that was less than an inch long and as thin as a toothpick. So I really struggled to write anything, and I did it in cursive so it was impossible to read anyway.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Lady In White

I was driving down a gravel road in the forest in the middle of the night, it's a road I've driven many times in real life. In the middle of the road, there was a woman wearing all white, long black hair, and her face was melting off as she was standing in the middle of the road. Right when she got caught in the headlights, she started screaming and chasing the car as I was driving in reverse. I didn't want to look away from her, but I needed to look behind me so I wouldn't crash. Eventually the stress caused me to wake up.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Curie's Odyssey

I had a dream that I lived in this little ocean side town in this weird Studio Ghibli-esque fantasy world. I was with this old guy who left the town on a boat to go and look for something. But I had a paramotor that I would fly around on with my cat, Curie.

We were running out of water and the old guy was going crazy and started drinking the salt water, we were far away from home, but we were close to another town that I found while flying around with Curie. So we land there, the old guy says he's going to stay there, and I decide to go home.

We were really far away, so I decided to look for a train, so Curie and I go flying around until we find this big city and we went to explore it. Eventually I got on a rickshaw and they started going without Curie, I kept begging them to stop for her as I was watching her chase the rickshaw screaming at me before she managed to jump on.

Later we eventually got onto a train headed to our hometown. It was really old and the windows were broken, Curie decided to jump out the window as the train was stopped at the station. I wasn't very concerned about it, but the person sitting next to me called me a bad cat owner for letting her go, and I said "if you love someone, let them go." He called me an idiot for saying that and that if you love something, you shouldn't ever let them leave you. It turned into a big debate, but I ended it with "as long as Curie's happy, I'm happy."

Eventually I got back home, and I was saying hi to everyone and after awhile Curie started screaming at me again as she beat me home.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Caucasion Massages

I was in high school again and there was this girl that I liked, but I was really confused about if I should ask her out or not. But we were hanging out a lot outside of school recently and she kept making hints that she liked me. Then when I went to the high school, I had a shopping cart and I was bringing it to the cafeteria. That girl told me "If you were ever my date to a wedding, you'd have to be my boyfriend. Also, my cousin is getting married this weekend, get a tux so you can come" and I just left in confusion.

As I was wheeling my shopping cart I was lost in thought, and I accidentally walked all the way to the middle school part. So I turned around and went back to the cafeteria, but I got stopped by four of my male teachers. They said they're making changes around here and handed me a pamphlet and said they were going to take me back to class so they could let the other students know. As they walked me back, I read the pamphlet.

It said that in order to maintain student safety, they were going to keep all the Caucasian students together separate from the rest. And then the rest of the pamphlet showed a bunch of different penis massage techniques, saying how they are required for men to properly function in society, so the women staff and students would have to provide massages to the men whenever they asked.

When I got back to class, there was only a few other students and the teacher was playing porn on the projector. I sat down next to a friend and the teacher took someone out of the room to have a chat with them. I showed my friend the pamphlet and told him how outraged I was about it. He just said "I don't know, penis massages sound kind of nice" and I got so mad I flipped the table and ran out with my shopping cart.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Gordon Ramsey's Cock Kitchen

Gordon Ramsey hired a bunch of college students, including me, for researching something. He had all of us stand in a line with large wood planks and he was wearing massive bellows on his feet. He would walk onto the planks and the bellows would blow the hats off of the students, he was getting really angry at yelling at every student for very specific things, usually stuff that didn't matter.

I showed up late, so I was at the end of the line, so he never even got to me because he was just yelling the whole time. Eventually he told everyone to leave, but he told me to stay and to drop my pants. I told him no but then he offered me more money so I said fuck it and I did. He put some drops of some essential oil on my dick and held it in his hands and started to say mantas. Dream me knew that in this universe this was some new controversial way of having visions and certain people's dicks would work better than others. He started frantically writing some things down, so I knew that I was apparently very valuable to his next phase of research. I was getting very uncomfortable because he was such an asshole to everyone, and my sister showed up to take me home. Ramsey kept yelling how he was going to pay me more, and I said I wanted at least $10 a second of cock touching and his face turned super red before he started screaming that I don't deserve that kind of money, and I just told him he's a jerk and left.